Brand Ambassador

We are looking for SlimeCat fans to help spread the word about SlimeCat Rods and become Brand Ambassadors. 

Brand Ambassadors are people who are currently using SlimeCat Rods, love them and want to tell the world about them. 

Each Brand Ambassador will receive their own unique referral link and coupon code to share with their followers. Each time someone purchases through your link or uses your coupon code you will receive a 5% commission. You can get paid to do what you're already doing. 

You do not have to purchase new SlimeCats or apparel to be part of the Brand Ambassador program, but we do expect that you will be using SlimeCat Rods. 

As part of the Brand Ambassador team we expect:

  • You are an existing customer of SlimeCat Rods
  • You have an established (or growing) means to promote our products
  • You will not be promoting any other brands of rods
  • You will be truthful
  • You will have a positive attitude, maintaining a fun and family friendly image is what our brand is all about!
  • Be a good human. Be respectful, and helpful, be a steward of the environment and the community. You might not agree with someone but you should interact with them with dignity and respect. 

If you think you are perfect for this position please fill out an application here. If your application is approved we will send you to the website to open your account and get started. 

Can't wait to have you on the team!